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As golfers we’ve all (at some point in our golfing journeys) asked ourselves the following question…

How Good Could I Be at Golf if I Had the Best Technical and Course Management Coaching, an Effective Practice Plan & a Champion Mindset?

It’s our aim with Golf University’s Search 4 Scratch Programs to help you find the answer.

The Search 4 Scratch Programs will test, challenge and identify your golf potential and then coach, inspire and support you to fulfill this potential.

The Search 4 Scratch Programs are for passionate Male or Female A, B or C Grade Golfers who are 100% open minded and committed to their golf improvement. The programs are not about getting to scratch (eg a zero handicap) but about identifying what your scratch is (or what your goals are) and helping you to achieve them and ideally reduce your handicap by 4 shots or better over a 4 month period.

The Search 4 Scratch Programs comprise of an online learning / training program component and attending either a 2 x 2 day or 1-2 x 5 day golf school within the 4 month program period.

The best program for you will depend on your level of commitment and time available.  For example if you work during the week and cannot get time off then the 2 x 2 day option would be the best (as it is held on Saturday / Sunday) but if you want the maximal results in the quickest time frame and you have the time flexibility then the 1-2 x 5 day option would be the best.

The Search 4 Scratch Programs are designed to immerse you in the ideal golf learning environment – which will enable you to perform like a professional golfer in an intensive training camp environment for the duration of the specific program / golf school(s) that you attend.

For More Information

Choose your preferred Search 4 Scratch Program option(s) below, choose the Golf School(s) date and location that you prefer and then click on the relevant link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page. 

Or if you would like Golf University to tailor a Golf School specific to your dates and location requirements (minimum group size will apply) so that you and your golf friends can all achieve your Search 4 Scratch Program together then contact Golf University via email or phone 1300 886 127 or 61 (0)414 676968.

Golf Schools Calendar / Locations


2 x 2 Day Golf Schools

5 Day Golf Schools

For Information on other Golf University Search 4 Scratch Programs / Golf Schools in your Region subscribe to Golf University’s FREE Chipping Mastery Video Series at and you will be notified of all upcoming Programs /Golf Schools via the Golf University newsletter.

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